Is laser hair removal safe on dark or tan skin?

Yes. With the Soprano I can safely remove hair on almost any skin type.

Will I see results right away?

Yes. Most of the hairs fall out withn two weeks or less, and clients report smooth skin with less irritation. Your hair will grow in softer during the next cycle.

Does it hurt?

You may feel slight discomfort, if any, on sensitive areas like face and Brazilian during your treatment. On areas like legs it feels like a warm massage. There shouldn't be any pain or down-time after treatment. Most clients remark on how comfortable and pain-free it really was. 

Can I get a Brazilian laser treatment while menstruating?

Yes, as long as you wear a tampon. 

How much experience do you have with Brazilian laser treatments?

I often perform over seventy-five Brazilian treatments in a single month, each catered to the unique needs of my clients. After 8 years of laser experience, I’m an expert.

How do I prepare for treatment?

Shave the day of treatment. If you are a waxer, you need to wait 4 to 6 weeks from your last wax. The laser looks at the follicle underneath the skin for its target.  

I have irritated skin from waxing. Can you help me?

Yes. I see irritated skin from waxing all the time. You'll likely see improvement in skin texture, ingrown hairs, and irritation after the very first treatment. 

Is laser effective for light-colored hair?

No. Laser is not effective for grey, red or blonde hairs. Medium to black hair is preferred. If you're not sure about your hair color, we can do a test spot or consultation. 

Is it safe to be in the sun?

Yes, as long as there is no sunburns, laser on tan skin is fine. Sun exposure is ok before and after laser treatment.

Who will be my laser technician?

Marietta. She does all of her own work.

How much time should I anticipate a session to be?

Small areas usually only take 15-20 minutes. Larger areas may take up to an hour. Whole body averages 3-5 hours.

How often are touch ups recommended?

After your 6-10 sessions the bulk of your hair is permanently gone. Face touch ups are recommended every one or two years due to new hormonal hairs. Body might need one or two clean up sessions around the five year mark.

Can you laser on sensitive skin?

You can! The technology I use is top of the line and is practically painless even for sensitive skin types.